...is that of Maurice de Vlaminck.
I was trudging through the Orsay of an afternoon, as only one can trudge after having spent the better part of a day gazing upon the greats of art history.
I passed into a small room, a window on the opposite wall.
I walked toward it and gazed at the art on my left and right.
Then I turned completely around to face the wall behind me...
...all of the air was sucked out of my body and my brains leaked out onto the floor as I took in the conglomeration of all of my favorite colours: red, yellow, orange, fuschia, all contained in one single master work : "Bougenville" is what I *think* it is called.
I was able to stand mere inches from it. I could see every single brush stroke. It was like my mouth and brain filled up with the taste of butter.
Anyway, I stumbled across this painting recently, in a book I purchased at the Orsay simply because it had an image of this painting in it. I was reminded of all those things that once inspired me. All of the hot colours that make me want to breathe again.